Everyone Is Special
Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturday evenings after the 5:00 PM Mass or by appointment
It is the responsibility of the parish to help members prepare to partake of the sacraments. The following list is some of the information you may need to know about our Celebrations, programs and requirements. If you have further questions please call the Parish Office.
Check out information about Baptism here: http://www.stjosephmillstone.org/baptism
First Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist in our Religious Education Program. Children should be enrolled in our Religious Education Program in First Grade. Adults are prepared for these Sacraments in our R.C.I.A. Program.
Find out about the Sacrament of Marriage here: http://www.stjosephmillstone.org/marriage
After 5:00 PM Mass on Saturday or by appointment. Learn more about Reconciliation here: http://www.stjosephmillstone.org/reconciliation
This sacrament is celebrated in the 8th year of Religious Education. Adults who have not celebrated Confirmation may prepare for the Sacrament in our R.C.I.A. program.
Please call the parish office when someone is seriously ill.
Anyone who is ill or unable to attend Mass please call the Parish Office so we can arrange to have someone bring Communion.
The R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process where adults discern God’s call for them about the sacraments. Those interested in joining the Catholic Church (from a different faith or denomination) as well as those who have been baptized Catholic but have not celebrated one or more of the other Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation) are invited to join and discern how God may be calling you. For information contact Fr. Mike at the parish office 732-792-2270 or frmikestjoseph@optonline.net
If you are interested in information about Permanent Deacons or Priests please feel free to contact Fr. Mike. 732-792-2270 or frmikestjoseph@optonline.net