Everyone Is Special
As a Parish Community we are called to always deepen our relationship with God and our knowledge of God. The various components of our Faith Formation Program are meant foster a response to God's invitation. There are programs available for every age group.
P.R.E.P. (Parish Religion Education Program) is our program for the Religious Education of children in grades 1-8. P.R.E.P. also prepares the children for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD gives children the opportunity to hear the Scripture Readings from Mass and an expalnation of the readings in a way that is better understood by them. The message is reinnforced by an activity.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL gives children in grades kindergarten thru 6 an opportunity to be immersed in Bible stories for a week in the summer. The stoiries are explored and made relevant with story telling, crafts, activities, snacks, songs and more.
G.I.F.T. (Gathered In Faith Together) is our Adult Faith Formation Program. The G.I.F.T. Ministry organizes Scripture Studies and various opportunities for adults to learn about and share faith.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) offers those who wish to join the Catholic Church an opportunity to learn about the Catholic Faith in a relaxed atmosphere that is more like exploring our journey of faith than a classroom setting.
SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES - Small Christian Communities offer people the opportunity to pray, share and explore our faith in a smaller group and home settings. Groups can form among friends, neighborhoods, people with similar interests, age groups etc. Small Christian Communities are a great way to feel connected.