Everyone Is Special
St. Joseph Church - Millstone Twp. NJ
You will find St. Joseph a vibrant parish, eager to get to know you and share with you the many exciting programs and activities that are going on. We look forward to your participation as we continue on our journey together and know that you will enrich our community. Whether you are new to the faith journey, resuming where you left off or have been journeying faithfully for years, we hope that you will find God’s presence among the many people who are part of this wonderful community of faith. We invite you to worship with us, serve with us, laugh with us, cry with us, develop relationships and make this your parish home.
Our doors are open and our hearts are open too. We sincerely look forward to adding your gifts to the many ministry opportunities that exist. We invite you to look over the Parish Ministries and Groups and explore the many ways in which our parish family works together. Please prayerfully discern where God is calling you and how you can truly become part of our community.